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True Christianity is not a religion, but the revelation of God. Religion of this world is human’s demanding to gods, but Christianity is God’s demanding to humans. Religion puts emphasis on human’s efforts, devices, studies, cultivations, logics, training and so forth, whereas Christianity centers the command and grace of God. Ordinary religions approach to gods through various means, whereas Christianity directly enters joy of the grace without means. Thus the difference between religion of this world and the revelation of God is fundamental. The product of this world is completely differ- ent form that of God.

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I love two Js and no third; one is Jesus, and the other is Japan. I do not know
which I love more, Jesus or Japan. I am hated by my countrymen for Jesus’ sake
as foreign belief, and I am disliked by foreign missionaries for Japan’s sake as
national and narrow. Even if I lose all my friends, I cannot lose Jesus and Japan
. . . Jesus and Japan; my faith is not a circle with one center; it is an ellipse with
two centers. My heart and mind revolve around the two dear names. And I know
that one strengthens the other; Jesus strengthens and purifies my love for Japan;
and Japan clarifies and objectives my love for Jesus. Were it not for the two, I
would become a mere dreamer, a fanatic, an amorphous universal man.

Kanzo Uchimura, 1861–1930 

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